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​俄罗斯著名AMV作者UMIKA去世 曾创《秋山澪与折木奉太郎的爱情故事》

2024-11-29 04:27 来源:贴说网 点击:

俄罗斯著名AMV作者UMIKA去世 曾创《秋山澪与折木奉太郎的爱情故事》



Umika Sayoji (Yana), a talented artist and creator and a wonderful friend died today, on February 14th, 2016 at the age of 22. Umika passed away in her sleep. It's hard to believe and even harder to accept.

Hundreds of thousands people around the world found inspiration in her works, and hopefully even more will do so. It is said that we live as long as memory lasts, so, as you read these words - remember Umika. Remember her words, remember her creations, remember- and keep these memories.

Let these memories be good and lasting.

The funeral will take place on Tuesday, February 16th. You can pay last respects to Umika at home of her family in Klimovsk (Moskovsky oblast, Russia). Please contact the site administration via PM for the exact address.


Umika Sayoji, 一位天才的艺术家和创意大师,同时也是一位无比亲爱的朋友在今天去世了,2016年2月14日,享年22岁。她在睡梦中离开人世,这很难令人相信也很难接受。



