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​《愚公移山》英语版 愚公移山英语版简短加翻译

2024-01-23 03:07 来源:贴说网 点击:

《愚公移山》英语版 愚公移山英语版简短加翻译



Yugong moves the mountains

An old man, called Yugong, lives at the foot of two mountains. Every day he goes out, he has to go around the mountains. It’s very very inconvenient.

So one day, he talks to his family: “ I want to move away the two mountains”.

His wife says: “ The two mountains are so big, how can you move them? Besides, where do you put the stones and clay?”

But his children all support him. They decide to put the stones and clay into the sea.

The next day, they begin to dig the mountain.

An old man called Zhisou, says to Yugong: “ You are so old, you won’t move away the two mountains before you die. “

Yugong smiles and says: “ It doesn’t matter. I have sons, my sons will have sons. It’s endless. We will move away the mountain some day!”

So Yugong and his children dig the mountains every day. From morning to evening, never stop.

The god hears about Yugong and is moved by his spirit. He sends two generals to carry away the two big mountains.

The next morning, Yugong and his children see a smooth road in front of their house and the two big mountains are gone. They are very happy!


move 移动 mountain 大山

at the foot of… 在…得脚下

around 周围 go around 绕行

inconvenient 不方便得

talk to… 对…说话

move away 移走,移开

wife 妻子 besides 况且,另外

stone 石头 clay 泥土

support 支持 decide 决定

dig 挖 begin to 开始…

won’t 将不会,不可能

die 死 matter 关系,事情

It doesn’t matter 没关系

endless 无穷无尽得

some day 总有一天

never 从不 stop 停止

god 天帝 hear 听见

hear about 听说

move 感动,它有两个意思,一个是


be ( am, is , are) moved 被感动

spirit 精神

send 派遣 general 大将

carry away 背走,带走

smooth 平坦的

be ( am, is , are) gone 消失了,死了





他的妻子说:“这两座山这么大,你怎样搬它们呢? 况且,你要把石头和泥土放哪里呢?”



一个叫智叟的老人对愚公说:“ 你都这么老了,你不可能在死之前把这两座山搬走的。”

愚公笑着说:“没关系。 我有儿子,我的儿子也会有儿子。这是无穷无尽的。我们总有一天会把这两座大山搬走的。”



